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Discipline plays a pivotal role in the development of the personality of the child. It can be imparted negatively or positively i.e. through stick or love. In our school negative discipline is highly discouraged & students follow & understand positive discipline which is imparted and checked through.

  • Morning assembly
  • House Activities
  • Sports Activities
  • Respect punctuality – timely arrival to school.
  • Wear the prescribed uniform to school – both in summer and in winter.
  • Giving awards for 100% attendance.
  • Spiritual education is imparted to the students by various spiritual personalities.
  • Through direct PPT(pupil parent teacher relations)
  • Avoid bunking from school and from classes.
  • Exemplary Behaviour in School Bus.
  • Abusive language strictly prohibited
  • Cheating in examinations is strictly prohibited.
  • For 1 day leave – a letter to the Class Teacher is required for 3 days – a letter to Principal is required
  • Mobile Phones are allowed with prior written permission of principal.

For any further help the School Admin department will be at your service.
